How To Make Muslim In Infinity Craft (2 Easy Methods)

In this blog article you will learn easily how to make a Muslim in Infinity Craft. In this article, I will tell you two methods to make a Muslim in the Infinity Craft game, so let’s get started. In the first method, we will create Muslims by combining prayer and mosque together, and in the second method, we will create Muslims by combining Is and Islam together. The first method is easy, fast and a very effective method. The second method is also easy and effective, but it is a bit longer.

First Ingredient Second Ingredient Craft Result
Is Islam Muslim
Prayer Mosque Muslim


Method 1: (Make Muslim In Infinity Craft)

To create a Muslim in the game Infinity Craft using the first method, first we will combine earth and wind to get dust. Then we will combine earth and water to get plant. After that, we will combine fire and wind to get smoke. Next, we will combine plant and smoke to get Incense. Similarly, finally, we will combine prayer and mosque to get Muslim as if Muslim will be found.

Here are the Steps,

  • Step 1: Earth + Wind -> Result: Dust
    Step 2: Earth + Water -> Result: Plant
    Step 3: Fire + Wind -> Result: Smoke
    Step 4: Plant + Smoke -> Result: Incense
    Step 5: Water + Plant -> Result: Swamp
    Step 6: Earth + Plant -> Result: Tree
    Step 7: Dust + Incense -> Result: Prayer
    Step 8: Swamp + Tree -> Result: Mangrove
    Step 9: Mangrove + Prayer -> Result: Mosque
    Step 10: Prayer + Mosque -> Result: Muslim
Table Explanation to make make Muslim In Infinity Craft,
Step First Ingredient Second Ingredient Craft Result
1. Earth Wind Dust
2. Earth Water Plant
3. Fire Wind Smoke
4. Plant Smoke Incense
5. Water Plant Swamp
6. Earth Plant Tree
7. Dust Incense Prayer
8. Swamp Tree Mangrove
9. Mangrove Prayer Mosque
10. Prayer Mosque Muslim



Method 2: (Get Muslim In Infinity Craft)

In the second method, through which we will Muslims inside the Infinity craft, first of all, you will have to make Islam. There are also some steps to make Islam, which are being shown below. After you have make Islam, then you will have to craft Is. When you make Islam and Is merge it back, in this way also you will make a Muslim.

Here are the Steps,

  • Step 1: Water + Water -> Result: Lake
    Step 2: Earth + Wind -> Result: Dust
    Step 3: Fire + Earth -> Result: Lava
    Step 4: Earth + Water -> Result: Plant
    Step 5: Fire + Wind -> Result: Smoke
    Step 6: Earth + Lava -> Result: Stone
    Step 7: Plant + Smoke -> Result: Incense
    Step 8: Earth + Plant -> Result: Tree
    Step 9: Wind + Plant -> Result: Dandelion
    Step 10: Dust + Incense -> Result: Prayer
    Step 11: Dust + Dandelion -> Result: Wish
    Step 12: Lava + Stone -> Result: Obsidian
    Step 13: Lake + Prayer -> Result: Moses
    Step 14: Tree + Wish -> Result: Money
    Step 15: Stone + Obsidian -> Result: Blade
    Step 16: Money + Wind -> Result: Fan
    Step 17: Stone + Blade -> Result: Axe
    Step 18: Fan + Axe -> Result: Fanatic
    Step 19: Fanatic + Moses -> Result: Islam

Now we make Is,

  • Step 1: Earth + Wind -> Result: Dust
    Step 2: Fire + Fire -> Result: Volcano
    Step 3: Wind + Wind -> Result: Tornado
    Step 4: Fire + Wind -> Result: Smoke
    Step 5: Water + Water -> Result: Lake
    Step 6: Earth + Water -> Result: Plant
    Step 7: Fire + Earth -> Result: Lava
    Step 8: Water + Fire -> Result: Steam
    Step 9: Dust + Fire -> Result: Ash
    Step 10: Tornado + Tornado -> Result: Hurricane
    Step 11: Earth + Dust -> Result: Planet
    Step 12: Smoke + Lake -> Result: Fog
    Step 13: Earth + Plant -> Result: Tree
    Step 14: Wind + Plant -> Result: Dandelion
    Step 15: Earth + Lava -> Result: Stone
    Step 16: Wind + Dust -> Result: Sandstorm
    Step 17: Plant + Smoke -> Result: Incense
    Step 18: Water + Steam -> Result: Cloud
    Step 19: Water + Lake -> Result: Ocean
    Step 20: Steam + Fire -> Result: Engine
    Step 21: Steam + Plant -> Result: Tea
    Step 22: Dust + Fog -> Result: Smog
    Step 23: Stone + Sandstorm -> Result: Sphinx
    Step 24: Dust + Dandelion -> Result: Wish
    Step 25: Sandstorm + Incense -> Result: Genie
    Step 26: Ocean + Ash -> Result: Salt
    Step 27: Engine + Plant -> Result: Car
    Step 28: Dust + Engine -> Result: Vacuum
    Step 29: Dandelion + Tea -> Result: Wine
    Step 30: Wind + Dandelion -> Result: Seed
    Step 31: Hurricane + Smog -> Result: Acid Rain
    Step 32: Fog + Sphinx -> Result: Riddle
    Step 33: Tree + Wish -> Result: Money
    Step 34: Volcano + Salt -> Result: Popcorn
    Step 35: Tree + Car -> Result: Crash
    Step 36: Dust + Vacuum -> Result: Clean
    Step 37: Wine + Fire -> Result: Alcohol
    Step 38: Dandelion + Smog -> Result: Pollution
    Step 39: Cloud + Seed -> Result: Cotton
    Step 40: Wind + Riddle -> Result: Answer
    Step 41: Popcorn + Crash -> Result: Movie
    Step 42: Clean + Alcohol -> Result: Sober
    Step 43: Planet + Pollution -> Result: Global Warming
    Step 44: Genie + Money -> Result: Rich
    Step 45: Cotton + Cotton -> Result: Wool
    Step 46: Movie + Sober -> Result: Boring
    Step 47: Acid Rain + Global Warming -> Result: Climate Change
    Step 48: Money + Rich -> Result: Richer
    Step 49: Wool + Wool -> Result: Blanket
    Step 50: Climate Change + Answer -> Result: Denial
    Step 51: Richer + Blanket -> Result: Warmer
    Step 52: Warmer + Boring -> Result: Hotter
    Step 53: Hotter + Denial -> Result: Not
    Step 54: Ash + Not -> Result: Is

Table Explanation to make make Muslim In Infinity Craft,

Step First Ingredient Second Ingredient Craft Result
1. Is Islam Muslim


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